Data Structure Algorithm Using Java

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  • Rakibul Thumbnail
    Course Language Hindi & English
  • Duration 3-4 Months
  • Review
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Short Overview

Data Structure in java is defined as the collection of data pieces that offers an effective means of storing and organising data in a computer. Linked List, Stack, Queue, and arrays are a few examples of java data structures.

  • Course Overview
  • Introduction of Data Structure & Algorithm
  • Types of Data Structure

  • Introduction of Stack
  • Terminologies related to Stack
  • Diagrammatic representation of Stack
  • Implementing Stack in Java Language
  • First Version of Stack ( Array )
  • Modified version of Stack using Loop
  • Implementing Stack Class in Java Language
  • Pseudocode for the methods Push( ) & Pop( )

  • What is Expression ?
  • Type of Expression ?
  • Precedence of Operator
  • Evaluating Postfix and Prefix Expression
  • Pseudocode for evaluating a Postfix Expression
  • Implementing a Class for evaluating a Postfix Expression
  • Remaining methods of evaluation of Postfix Expression
  • Pseudocode for evaluating a Prefix Expression
  • Implementing a Class for evaluating a Prefix Expression
  • Remaining methods of evaluation of Prefix Expression
  • Converting Infix to Postfix
  • Pseudocode for converting Infix to Postfix
  • Implementation of converting Infix to Postfix using Stack
  • Converting Infix to Prefix
  • Pseudocode for converting Infix to Prefix
  • Implementation of converting Infix to Prefix using Stack
  • Converting Parenthesised Infix to PostFix
  • Pseudocode for converting Parenthesised Infix to PostFix

  • Introduction of Queue
  • Diagrammatic view of Queue
  • What is Queue and it's real world examples
  • Pseudocode for the methods insert( ) & remove( )
  • Implementation of Linear Queue in Java
  • Drawback of Linear Queue
  • Solution for the drawback of Linear Queue

  • Introduction of Circular Queue
  • Theory of Circular Queue
  • Pseudocode for the insert() & remove()
  • Implementation of Circular Queue in Java

  • Drawbacks of arrays
  • How LinkedList over come drawbacks of array
  • What is LinkedList
  • Advantages of LInkedList
  • Disadvantages of LinkedList
  • Implementing of LinkedList
  • Implementing a LinkedList using Class in Java
  • Displaying nodes of a Linked List
  • Deleting First node from a LinkedList
  • Program to make method for search_Node()
  • Deleting last node from a Linked List
  • Deleting any node from Linked List
  • Program to make method called insert()

  • Introduction of Circular Linked List
  • Implementing a Circular Linked List
  • Deletion in Circular Linked List
  • Deleting first node of Circular Linked List
  • Deleting Last node of Circular Linked List
  • Program to make function del_Any( ) for Circular Linked List

  • Introduction of Doubly Linked List
  • Implementation a Doubly Linked List
  • Deleting first node of Doubly Linked List
  • Deleting Last node of Circular Linked List

  • Explanation of Application of Linked List
  • Diagrammatic view of Dynamic Stack
  • Implementation of Dynamic Stack
  • Program to make function delAny( ) fro Doubly Linked List
  • Implementing Queue using Linked List
  • Addition of Polynomial using Linked List
  • Implementation for adding 2 Polynomial

  • Introduction of Non-Linear Data Structure
  • Examples and types of Non-Linear Data Structure
  • Introduction of Tree Data Structure and Binary Tree
  • Terminologies used in tree with examples

  • Introduction of Binary Search Tree and it’s examples
  • Representation of Binary Search Tree using array and linked List
  • Important points of Array and Linked List representation of Binary Tree
  • Advantages of Array and Linked List representation of BST
  • Disadvantages of Array and LinkedList repress of BST
  • Implementation of BST
  • Explanation of Deletion in Binary Search Tree
  • Explanation of method search ( ) in Binary Search Tree
  • Implementation of Deletion in Binary Search Tree

  • Introduction of Tree Traversal Algorithms
  • Explanation of Preorder Traversal with PseudoCode
  • Implementation of Preorder Traversa
  • Explanation of Inorder Traversal
  • PseudoCode for Inorder Traversal
  • Implementation of Inorder Traversal
  • Explanation of Postorder Traversal
  • PseudoCode for Postorder Traversal
  • Implementation of Postorder Traversal
  • Identification of PreOrder , InOrder and PostOrder traversal

  • Introduction of Heap
  • Creating a Max Heap
  • Code for Creating a Heap in Java
  • Insertion in Heap
  • Deleting Root in the Heap
  • Pseudocode for deleting root of the Heap
  • Constructing a binary root of the Heap
  • Constructing a binary tree using Traversal Order

  • What is AVL Tree
  • What is the benefit of a BST over an Array
  • What is Balanced Factor
  • How do we create an AVL Tree
  • Draw an AVL Tree
  • Types of Rotation
  • What is double rotation
  • Draw an AVL Tree with single rotation and double rotation
  • Two special Rules of rotation
  • Implementing AVL Tree and its Functions
  • Method nodeHeight( ) & balanceFactor( )
  • Method LLRotation( ) , RRRotation( ) , LRRotation( ) & RLRotation( )

  • Introduction of Threaded Binary Tree
  • Types of Binary Tree
  • One way InOrder TBT
  • Two way InOrder TBT
  • Two way InOrder TBT with a header node
  • PseudoCode for one way TBT
  • Implementation of One way TBT

  • What is B-Tree ?
  • What is Multiway Tree ?
  • Properties of B-Tree
  • Constructing a B-Tree
  • How do we Handle overFlow in B-Tree ?

  • Introduction of Graph
  • Difference between Graph and Tree
  • Terminologies used in Graph
  • Ways of representing a graph in memory
  • What is Adjacency Matrix
  • What is Path Matrix
  • Ways of deriving Path Matrix
  • Deriving Path matrix using Adjacency matrix
  • Code for Adjacency Matrix
  • Calculating Path matrix using warshall's Algorithm
  • Implementation of Warshall's Algorithm
  • Basic concepts of 1d and 2d array
  • Introduction of Linked representation of a graph
  • Implementation of Method addVertex( ) , insertEdge( ) , findVertex( ) & display ( )
  • Program : Write method for deleting Vertex & deleting Edge

  • What is Graph Traversal Algorithms
  • Explanation of BFS
  • Explanation of DFS
  • PseudoCode of DFS
  • Implementation of DFS Traversal Algorithm
  • What is Shortest Path
  • Warshall's Algorithm for calculating shortest path matrix
  • Implementation of Warshall's Shortest path matrix
  • Dijikstra's Algorithm for calculating shortest path between 2 vertices
  • What is spanning Tree ?
  • What is Minimum cost spanning Tree ?
  • What is Prism's Algorithms
  • Explanation of Prism's Algorithm
  • Implementation of Prism Algorithm
  • Kruskal's Algorithm for calculating minimum cost spanning tree

  • What is Recursion ?
  • How Recursion is used in programming ?
  • Prerequisites of Recursive methods
  • Example Question of Recursion
  • How memory and method calls are managed on run time ?
  • Tracing Recursion Functions
  • Explanation of Types of Recursion
  • Recursion v/s Iteration
  • Some popular examples of Recursion
  • Factorial using Recursion
  • Displaying Linked List

  • Complexity of Algorithm
  • How do we calculate the time taken by the Algorithm
  • Examples of Time Complexity

  • Linear Search and it's Implementation
  • Complexity analysis of Linear Search
  • Binary Search and it's Implementation
  • Complexity analysis of Binary Search
  • Bubble Sort Algorithm
  • Implementation of Bubble Sort
  • Complexity of Bubble sort
  • Selection sort and it's Implementation
  • Complexity of Selection Sort
  • Insertion sort and it's Implementation
  • Complexity Analysis of Insertion Sort
  • Comparison Between Bubble sort , Insertion sort and selection sort
  • Merge sort algorithm ( Divide and Conquer method )
  • Implementation of Merge Sort
  • Complexity analysis of merge sort
  • What is Quick Sort Algorithm
  • Implementation of Quick Sort Algorithm
  • Complexity analysis of Quick Sort
  • What is Heap Sort ?
  • Implementation of Heap Sort
  • Complexity analysis of Heap Sort

  • What is Priority Queue ?
  • Linked List Implementation of Priority Queue
  • Array Implementation of Priority Queue
  • Best way of array implementation of Priority Queue

  • What is Hashing ?
  • What is Collision ? And collision resolution techniques
  • What is Linear probing , it's methods implementation and it's drawback
  • What is Bucket Technique ? & chaining technique ?
  • System With Minimum I3 Processor Or Better
  • At Least 4 Gb Of Ram

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