Python Programming Development

Changing lives, businesses, and nations through talent transformation in digital technologies.

  • Course Language Hindi & English
  • Duration 3-4 Months
  • Review
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Short Overview

Python is a computer programming language often used to build websites and software, automate tasks, and conduct data analysis. Python is a general-purpose language, meaning it can be used to create a variety of different programs and isn't specialized for any specific problems.

  • Necessity of Programming.
  • What is Python?
  • Why And Who Created It?

  • What Python Can Do ?
  • Why Should I learn Python?
  • Important Features

  • Version History
  • Different Python Implementations.
  • Downloading And Installing Python.
  • Testing Python Installation.
  • What is Python Shell?
  • Using Python Shell.
  • What Python Can Do ?
  • Writing Python Script Using Notepad.
  • Running Python Script.
  • How To View The Bytecode File?

  • Introduction To Predefined Functions And Mudules.
  • How print() function work?
  • How To Remove Newline From print()?
  • Introduction To IDLE.
  • Types Of Errors In Python.
  • Rules For Identifiers.
  • Python Reserved Words

  • Basic Data Types In Python
  • Some Very Important Points To Remember.
  • Numeric Types.
  • Converting Between Int Types.
  • The Float Type.
  • The Complex Type.
  • The bool Type.
  • The str Type.

  • Concatenating Strings.
  • The Slice Operator In Strings.
  • Three Important String Function.
  • Type conversion.

  • How Variables In Python Are Different than Other Languages?
  • Immutable And Mutable.
  • Python's Memory Mangement.
  • The id() and is() Function.

  • How to write Comments in Python?
  • How to create constants in Python?
  • How to Print a variables value using print()?

  • Types of Operators.
  • Arithmetic operators.
  • Special point about + and *
  • Difference between / and //
  • Relational Operators.
  • Relational Operators With Strings.
  • Chaining of Relational Operators.
  • Special Behavior Of == and !=
  • Logical Operators.
  • How Logical Operators Work With Boolean Types?
  • How Logical Operators Work With Non-Boolean Types?
  • Assignment Operators.
  • Various Types of Assignment Operators.
  • Compound Operators.
  • Identity Operators.
  • Membership Operators.
  • Precedence And Associativity.

  • Using the Input() Function.
  • Using the math Module.
  • Different ways of importing a module
  • Accepting multiple values in single-line.

  • Using the eval() Function
  • Using Command-line Arguments.
  • Using format specifiers.
  • Using the function format().

  • The if Statement.
  • Concept of Indentation.
  • The if-else Statement.
  • The if-elif-else Statement.
  • What about ternary operator?

  • Types of loop supported by Python.
  • The while loop.
  • The while-else loop.
  • The break,continue and pass Statement.
  • The for loopIntroduction to Pycharm
  • Introduction to Pycharm IDE
  • Downloading and Installing
  • Developing Fist Application In Pycharm.

  • What is a Function?
  • Function v/s Method.
  • Steps Required For Developing user Defined Function.
  • Calling a Function
  • Returning value form Function
  • Arguments v/s Parameters
  • Types Of Arguments
  • Variable Scope.
  • Global Scope.
  • Variable Scope.
  • Argument Passing.
  • Anonymous Functions or Lambda Function
  • The map() Function
  • The filter () Function
  • Using map() and filter() Lambda Expressions.

  • What is a List?
  • Creating a List.
  • Accessing The List Elements
  • Adding new Data In the List
  • The Slice Operator With List
  • Modifying A List
  • Deletion In A List
  • Appending / Prepending Item In a List
  • Multiplying A List
  • Membership Operators On List
  • Built In Functions For List
  • Method Of List
  • List Comprehension

  • What Is A Tuple?
  • Differences With List
  • Benefits Of Tuple
  • Creating Tuple
  • Packing / Unpacking A Tuple
  • Accessing A Tuple
  • Changing the Tuple
  • Deleting the Tuple
  • Functions Used With Tuple
  • Method Used With Tuple
  • Operations Allowed On Tuple

  • What is A String?
  • Creating A String
  • Different Ways Of Accessing Strings
  • Operators Which Work On Strings
  • Built In String Functions
  • Printing String using f-string
  • Modifying Strings
  • String Methods

  • What is A Dictionary?
  • What is key- value pair?
  • Creating A Dictionary
  • Important Characteristics Of A Dictionary
  • Different Ways To Access A Dictionary
  • Updating Elements In Dictionary
  • Removing Elements From Dictionary
  • Functions Used In Dictionary
  • Dictionary Methods
  • Dictionary Comprehension
  • Restrictions On Keys

  • Introduction To Exception handling
  • Exception Handling Keywords
  • Exception Handling Syntax
  • Handling Multiple Exceptions
  • Handling All Exceptions
  • Using Exception Object
  • Getting Details Of Exception
  • Raising An Exception
  • Using finally Block
  • Creating user Defined Exceptions

  • What is Operator Overloading
  • How To Perform Operator Overloading
  • List of Operator Which Can Be Overloaded
  • Reverse Arithmetic Operators

  • What is Data And Database?
  • What is DBMS?
  • What is SQL?
  • How to configure our system for database programming.
  • Introduction To SQLite
  • Using Exception Object
  • Steps Needed For Connecting To SQLite From Python
  • Exploring Connection And Cursor Objects
  • Executing the SQL Queries
  • Different Ways of Fetching the Data
  • Executing INSERT Command
  • Executing Dynamic Queries
  • Concept of Bind Variables
  • Executing Update Command
  • Executing Delete Command

  • What is File Handling?
  • What is the need of File Handling?
  • Examples Where Files Are Used?
  • Python's Way of handling Files
  • Files Opening Modes
  • Writing In A File
  • Different Ways For Reading From File
  • The seek() Method
  • Appending in a File
  • Using with statement

  • What is module?
  • Different ways of Importing Module
  • The concept of the variable__name__
Python Lecture 1 Preview
Python Lecture 2 Preview
Python Lecture 3 Preview
Python Lecture 4 Preview
Python Lecture 5 Preview
Basic to Advance
  • Basic to Advance : Learn Python programming from basics to advanced concepts.
  • Zero to Hero : Transform yourself from a beginner to an advanced coder.
  • Data Types to Data Base : Cover a wide range of Python programming concepts, from data types to databases.
Live Lectures
  • 80+ Hours : Attend live lectures and learn from the comfort of your home.
  • Hands-on Practice : Get hands-on experience by practicing coding exercises during the lecture.
  • Practice Session : Get dedicated practice sessions to revise and reinforce your learning.
Doubt Solving
  • Unlimited Doubts Clearing Facility : Clear all your doubts with our dedicated faculty.
Test Series and Assignments
  • Dedicated Test Series after Every Topic : Test your knowledge and progress with dedicated test series.
  • Assignments : Practice coding exercises to reinforce your learning.
Notes of Every Lecture
  • Dedicated Notes for Every Lecture : Get access to notes for every lecture.
  • Live Projects to Practice Python Programming Concepts : Get hands-on experience by working on live projects.
  • OOPs Concepts in Project : Learn how to apply Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts in a practical setting.
  • Best Industry Practices: Learn how to apply best industry practices to build the project.
  • Two Certificates After Completion of Project : Get two certificates after completing the Python programming course and the project.
  • Python Completion Certificate : Get a certificate of completion for Python programming.
  • Project Completion Certificate : Get a certificate of completion for the project.
  • System With Minimum I3 Processor Or Better
  • At Least 4 Gb Of Ram

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